背景是我想安装apache, ./configure 的时候他说找不到 pcre-configure
configure: error: pcre-config for libpcre not found. PCRE is required and available from 可是我用 rpm -ql pcre 的时候,有pcre的信息,我 yum install pcre,它说我已经安装了pcre.
1.既然RPM说我已经安装了PCRE,为什么安装apache的时候又说找不到呢 2.如果我从网上下载了 pcre, 然后 ./configure , make, make install后,这个pcre安装后会主动记录进rpm里面吗。 然后我 再安装apache ./configure --with-pcre=/我安装pcre的路径, 这样子为什么就可以安装成功呢 yum install httpd can't satisfy u? why compile ur own? u are the geek style, aren't u?
make sure pcre is installed properly, then during the configure of httpd, add "--with-pcre=your_pcre_path" to ./configure
if u prefer to compile everything for yourself, please get familiar with autoconf tool first.
you should always do ./configure --help to check all options...
P.S., I think yum is a pretty good package management tool. you will appreciate it if you are a real admin... yum install pcre-devel 就是缺了开发包,后来查明白了 带有devel是开发包,需要编译环境才需要安装。而我查到的 .so 是动态库,所以我装apache的时候需要的是开发包,而不是已经装好的库。