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WPF下System.Windows.Ink的手写识别可否达到工具栏中的tablet pc输入面板中的识别率

WPF下System.Windows.Ink的手写识别可否达到工具栏中的tablet pc输入面板中的识别率

但是用了下 任务栏-》工具栏-》tablet pc输入面板 中的手写识别后就不淡定了。
识别率咋就相差这么大呢?系统自带的这个工具咋就这么好使呢?难道调用不是同一个识别库文件吗?都有tablet pc字样啊?

C# code?//添加对 WPF 墨迹分析程序集、IAWinFX.dll、IACore.dll 和 IALoader.dll(这些内容可以在 \Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Tablet PC\v1.7 中找到)的引用。 using System.Windows.Ink;       // Recognizes handwriting by using RecognizerContext     private void buttonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)     {       InkAnalyzer theInkAnalyzer = new InkAnalyzer();         theInkAnalyzer.AddStrokes(theInkCanvas.Strokes);       theInkAnalyzer.SetStrokesLanguageId(theInkCanvas.Strokes, 0x0804);  // 0x0804 简体中文       theInkAnalyzer.SetStrokesType(theInkCanvas.Strokes, StrokeType.Writing);         AnalysisStatus status = theInkAnalyzer.Analyze();         if (status.Successful)       {         //textBox1.Text = theInkAnalyzer.GetRecognizedString();         textBox1.Text = "";         for (int i = 0; i < theInkAnalyzer.GetAlternates().Count; i++)         {           textBox1.Text += theInkAnalyzer.GetAlternates()[i].RecognizedString;         }       }       else      {         MessageBox.Show("识别失败");       }     }

tablet pc输入面板是调用的哪个识别库?可否在WPF程序中调用它?达到tablet pc输入面板那样高的识别率?

如果换种方式在程序中打开tablet pc输入面板窗口的话,

// THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //  File: InkRecognition.cs //  Simple Ink Recognition Sample Application // //  This program demonstrates how one can build a basic handwriting  //  recognition application using Microsoft Tablet PC Automation API.  //  It first creates an InkCollector object to enable inking //  in the window. Upon receiving the "Recognize!" command, fired //  from the application's button, ToString() is invoked on the  //  collected ink strokes to retrieve the best match using the //  default recognizer.  The results are presented in a message box. // //  The features used are: InkCollector, Ink, Strokes,  //  RecognizerContext, and RecognizerResult // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------   using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;   // The Ink namespace, which contains the Tablet PC Platform API using Microsoft.Ink;   namespace Microsoft.Samples.TabletPC.InkRecognition {     /// <summary>     /// The InkRecognition Sample Application form class     /// </summary>     public class InkRecognition : System.Windows.Forms.Form     {         // Declare the Ink Collector object         private InkCollector myInkCollector = null;           // myRecognizers is used to retrieve the number of installed recognizers         Recognizers myRecognizers;           #region Standard Template Code         private System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox gbInkArea;         private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnRecognize;         private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtResults;         private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;         #endregion           /// <summary>         /// Initialize the form and ink collector         /// </summary>         public InkRecognition()         {             #region Standard Template Code             //             // Required for Windows Form Designer support             //             InitializeComponent();             #endregion                      }           #region Standard Template Code         /// <summary>         /// Clean up any resources being used.         /// </summary>         protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )         {             if( disposing )             {                 if (components != null)                  {                     components.Dispose();                 }                 if (myInkCollector != null)                 {                     myInkCollector.Dispose();                 }             }             base.Dispose( disposing );         }         #endregion           #region Windows Form Designer generated code         /// <summary>         /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify         /// the contents of this method with the code editor.         /// </summary>         private void InitializeComponent()         {             this.gbInkArea = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox();             this.btnRecognize = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();             this.txtResults = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();             this.SuspendLayout();             //              // gbInkArea             //              this.gbInkArea.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 0);             this.gbInkArea.Name = "gbInkArea";             this.gbInkArea.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 136);             this.gbInkArea.TabIndex = 0;             this.gbInkArea.TabStop = false;             this.gbInkArea.Text = "Ink Here";             //              // btnRecognize             //              this.btnRecognize.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 144);             this.btnRecognize.Name = "btnRecognize";             this.btnRecognize.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 23);             this.btnRecognize.TabIndex = 1;             this.btnRecognize.Text = "Recognize Ink";             this.btnRecognize.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnRecognize_Click);             //              // txtResults             //              this.txtResults.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;             this.txtResults.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText;             this.txtResults.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 176);             this.txtResults.Name = "txtResults";             this.txtResults.ReadOnly = true;             this.txtResults.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 20);             this.txtResults.TabIndex = 2;             this.txtResults.Text = "";             //              // InkRecognition             //              this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);             this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 206);             this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {                                                                           this.txtResults,                                                                           this.btnRecognize,                                                                           this.gbInkArea});             this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;             this.MaximizeBox = false;             this.Name = "InkRecognition";             this.Text = "Ink Recognition Sample";             this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.InkRecognition_Load);             this.ResumeLayout(false);           }         #endregion           #region Standard Template Code         /// <summary>         /// The main entry point for the application.         /// </summary>         [STAThread]         static void Main()          {             Application.Run(new InkRecognition());         }         #endregion           /// <summary>         /// Event Handler from Form Load Event         /// Setup the ink collector for collection         /// </summary>         /// <param name="sender">The control that raised the event.</param>         /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>         private void InkRecognition_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)         {             // Create the recognizers collection             myRecognizers = new Recognizers();               // Create a new ink collector that uses the group box handle             myInkCollector = new InkCollector(gbInkArea.Handle);               // Turn the ink collector on             myInkCollector.Enabled = true;                          }           /// <summary>         /// Event Handle recognize button click event         /// </summary>         /// <param name="sender">The control that raised the event.</param>         /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>         private void btnRecognize_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)         {             // Check to ensure that the user has at least one recognizer installed             // Note that this is a preventive check - otherwise, an exception will             // occur during recognition.             if (0 == myRecognizers.Count)             {                 MessageBox.Show("There are no handwriting recognizers installed.  You need to have at least one in order to recognize ink.");             }             else            {                   // Note that the Strokes' ToString() method is a                  // shortcut  for retrieving the best match using the                   // default recognizer.  The same result can also be                  // obtained using the RecognizerContext.  For an                  // example, uncomment the following lines of code:                 //                  // using (RecognizerContext myRecoContext = new RecognizerContext())                 // {                 //     RecognitionStatus status;                 //     RecognitionResult recoResult;                 //                 //     myRecoContext.Strokes = myInkCollector.Ink.Strokes;                 //     recoResult = myRecoContext.Recognize(out status);                 //     txtResults.SelectedText = recoResult.TopString;                 // }                 txtResults.SelectedText = myInkCollector.Ink.Strokes.ToString();                   // If the mouse is pressed, do not perform the deletion -                  // this prevents deleting a stroke that is still being drawn                 if (!myInkCollector.CollectingInk)                 {                     // Once the strokes have been recognized, delete them                     myInkCollector.Ink.DeleteStrokes();                       // Repaint the drawing area                     gbInkArea.Refresh();                 }             }         }     } }

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