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sharepoint单个list 数量过多如何处理

建立了一个INFOPATH FORM 在公司内部使用, 但遇到的问题是每天的填单比较多, 这样在每多长时间就出现爆满的情况,

遇到这情况, 我只能把旧的FORM移动另外建立的一个FORM LIST中; 我现在想了解

1. 在原先的LIST下建立多个SUB FOLDER, 这5000个ITEM的限制是否也会包括SUB FOLDER下的ITEM 数量,还是SUB FOLDER 的数量单独算
2. 这个LIST ITEM 数量过多的问题,大家是否有遇到,及是怎样解决

If you've got your mind set on changing the LVT or another resource throttling setting, here's how to do it:

1- Login to Central Admin

2- Go to Application Management -> Manage Web Applications

3- Pick the Web application for which you want to change the LVT (If you only have 1 web app plus the central admin one, the one you want to pick is the 1 web app; changing this for the central admin does you no good)

4- In the ribbon above, click General Settings. That will bring down a menu, from which you should pick Resource Throttling

5- Change the LVT (first item in this list) to another value and press OK, but please try to keep it to a reasonable number!

 Following those steps will take you to the page where you can also edit a bunch of other settings. Here's a list of them, and a brief description of what they do and best practices or recommendations on how to set them:

 - List View Threshold for Auditors and Administrators: This is by7 default a "higher limit". Queries that are run by an auditor or administrator that specifically (programmatically) request to override the LVT will be subject to this limit instead. It's 20,000 by default as opposed to the 5,000 for the LVT. I wouldn't raise this past 20,000 for the same reasons of not raising the LVT.  If you'd like to read more about how to use this, take a look at this post.

  - Object Model Override: If you commonly use custom code on your deployment, and have a need for overriding the LVT to a higher limit, then it may be a good idea to allow the object model override, and give auditor or administrator permissions to the application that will perform the queries. This setting is on by default, but you may disable it if you do not need it. A good example of when you might want to use this is if you've implemented some code that will perform caching of a larger set of results that are accessed often for, say, several minutes.  If you are not planning on caching the content, and are planning on running these queries often, then I wouldn't recommend using this method to get around the LVT as it will adversely affect your server's performance. In short: "tread lightly". If you'd like to read more about how to use this, take a look at this post.  

- List View Lookup Threshold: This feature limits the number of joins that a query can perform. By number of joins, I mean the number of Lookup, Person/Group, or Workflow Status fields that are included in the query.  So for example, if you have a view that displays 6 lookup columns, and filters on another 3 distinct lookup columns then by default that view won't work, since the List View Lookup Threshold is 8, and the view is attempting to use 9 lookups.  I would recommend that you do not increase this number beyond 8, because through thorough testing we've observed that there's a serious non-gradual performance degradation that shows up above 8 joins. Not only does the throughput that the server can handle drop significantly at that point, but the query ends up using a disproportionately large amount of the SQL Server's resources, which negatively affects everybody else using that same database.  If you'd like to read more about this, take a look at the "Lookup columns and list views" section of this white paper


不用写TimerJOb, 可以用contenttype的retention进行设置移动和过期策略。
1. 点击Library Settings
2. 如果没有启动“管理content Type”, 先启动起来
3. 进入文档库使用的content type,->Information policy

5000这个阈值的设置主要是防止数据库性能损耗(SQL Server在查询的时候会判断如果一次返回结果超过5000左右,会将整张表锁定,返回后再解锁;而SharePoint的数据存储结构是同一个内容数据库中的所有列表都在一张表中,整张表锁定会影响其他列表/文档库的读取性能),于是从2010开始设置了5000这个默认的阈值(当然是可以调整的,楼上也给过方法)


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