public void execSQL (String sql) Added in API level 1Execute a single SQL statement that is NOT a SELECT or any other SQL statement that returns data.
It has no means to return any data (such as the number of affected rows). Instead, you're encouraged to use insert(String, String, ContentValues), update(String, ContentValues, String, String[]), et al, when possible.
When using enableWriteAheadLogging(), journal_mode is automatically managed by this class. So, do not set journal_mode using "PRAGMA journal_mode'" statement if your app is using enableWriteAheadLogging()
Parameters sql the SQL statement to be executed. Multiple statements separated by semicolons are not supported.
Throws SQLException if the SQL string is invalid 论文网
[sql] view plaincopyprint? 01.insert into student values('yang','boy');insert into student values('zhou','girl'); insert into student values('yang','boy');insert into student values('zhou','girl');形式,而需要将两条SQL语句拆开,每条SQL语句执行一次。
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