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  Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

  1. How much do you know about human flesh search? ( )

  A. Very much B. Not much C. I just heard about it. D. None

  2. How much do you know the channels of human flesh search? ( )

  A. Very much B. Not much C. None

  3. Have you ever provided information for human flesh search? ( )

  A. Yes B. No C. I can’t remember.

  4. If possible, will you done any human flesh search? ( )

  A. Yes B. No C. It depends.

  5. What’s your opinion towards human flesh search? ( )

  A. It has the function of supervision and it can help to chase justice.

  B. It’s a kind of cyber violence and it will violate people’s privacy.

  C. It is a double-edged sword and has both advantages and disadvantages.

  D. It’s none of my business.

  6. Do you think human flesh search should be prohibited or popularized? ( )

  A. It should be prohibited. B. It should be popularized.

  C. It should develop in a way without laissez-faire. D. It should be regulated.

  7. Why do you think a lot of people take part in human flesh search? ( )

  A. Out of curiosity. B. For amusement. http://www.qiake.net

  C. To supervise and chase justice. D. To get reward or other benefits

  6. Do you think human flesh search should be prohibited or popularized? ( )

  A. It should be prohibited. B. It should be popularized.

  C. It should develop in a way without laissez-faire. D. It should be regulated.

  7. Why do you think a lot of people take part in human flesh search? ( )

  A. Out of curiosity. B. For amusement.

  C. To supervise and chase justice. D. To get reward or other benefits

  8. Some local governments have formulated laws on human flesh search. Do you think we need legislation to regulate it? ( )

  A. Yes. B. No C. I have no idea.

  9. Nowadays human flesh search is becoming more and more commercialized and specialized. How do you think of the prospect of human flesh search? ( )

  A. It will become more mature. B. It will cause more problems C. I have no idea.

  Thank you again for answering our questions!

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